
Hey there.

Let’s go places, eat stuff, and do things.

Introducing Scene Overheard

Introducing Scene Overheard

You might be wondering what is this place, and why am I here? Allow me to explain.

What is Scene Overheard?

First off, welcome. I’m Anastasia, and my vision in creating this site is for it to become a travel resource. At its core, this will be a collection of recommendations that are food-centric and activity-driven. Restaurants to cafes, mountain peaks to beaches, beautiful corners of nowhere that are just really incredible. The places and things to do that take us out of our day-to-day and make us think ‘god, this is living.’ When you have a really great experience, I’m talking a really great experience, you want to share it so others can experience it, too. And that’s the kind of community I want to create here.

Why should I even care?

Let’s get this out of the way–I’m not going to get super personal and share with you all the untold details of my ~sUpEr AwEsOmE liFe~. I hesitate to call this a “travel blog” at all– yeah, I know it’s overdone, so let’s just not go there. This site is here as a vessel to house the details of all things delicious, awe-inspiring, take-me-back worthy, “grammable”, you get the point. Sometimes those things will be a flight away, a bigger commitment. And sometimes they might be a quick drive to Boston, or even down the street in southern New Hampshire. At worst, by following Scene Overheard maybe you’ll get inspired to go somewhere you hadn’t considered, up the road or across the ocean, and really like it.

Another thing this site is not, is a one-way street. If you’ve done (or consumed) something really standout in one of the destinations noted here, tell me about it. I’ll incorporate it so others can know about it, too. Hell, I might even book a flight back/hop in the car and go myself.

What to expect.

Things I can guarantee you’ll find here, in a concise, organized fashion:

  • Food. First and foremost, it’s all about the food. There will be restaurant recos galore. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, happy hour, dinner, dessert–all of it.

  • Activities. The “do” is a very critical piece of this puzzle, so we’ll cover activities and things to do that are truly noteworthy.

  • Tips. In so many ways technology makes travel easy and affordable. Any apps, services, or sites available that can enhance your travel or dining experience will be talked about right here. 

Note to the observant, I recognize this acronym spells “FAT.” It actually feels pretty spot on considering the actual indulgence of any given trip. There’s nothing wrong with being fat in your experiences, right? It’s almost 2020, let’s make “fat” positive.

Now that you get the gist, stay tuned for the fun stuff. First stop, LA.

4 Days in Los Angeles

4 Days in Los Angeles